Hello I know that this message may not belong here but I am not sure where to put it but I will put it here. I have been trying to use g400divx framerate converter and it works great but some movies just stutter anyway. then I found out about dvobsubs framerate adjustment and I tried that one and it worked just wonders but some movies as before was the same so I found out that the framerate adjustment doesnt work thanks to dvobsub because what ever I set the framerate to it would be reseted to 23.976 when I looked again so I came to the conclusion that divxg400 and dvobsub are not able to change framerate when the movie has AC3 sound track. so to gabest or anyone else who maybe can help. could someone please enlighten me about what can be done? thanks and best regards. Kandor
--------------------- ///MZOOM John 02 530i Sport Alpine White 04 Mini Cooper S JCW - what a fun car! Gone but not forgotten and still rolling strong: 97 M3 Sedan Cosmos Black 99 M Coupe Cosmos Black - sold to a spoiled brat - sorry M Coupe 98 M3 Sedan Techno Violet 99 M
Changing the fps with dvobsub isn't always working with avi files. This is a very unstable thing at the moment. (p.s. try to use , and . to separate your bigger units of thoughts :))
thank you for your answer. but I have found out that it actually works on every movie that is not muxed with ac3 sound. I have tried it with many movies and it can do exactly the same as g400divx does and its limitations are the same AC3 or maybe it is the ivaudio.ax ds filter that is the problem. anyway thank you for your answer. Best Regards Kandor
--------------------- Charlee 00' Integra LS Mods:Intake and lots coming soon! -Plan to have a M3 in a year or so