Basically, the only rule is, the song you remix has to be from an anime. Any genre is welcom as long as it sounds good. This idea just came to mind after I finished a remix of an anime track [, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to take it a little further than just a few tracks here and there, but make an album instead?" I thought it would also be cool to have other people on there to mix up the styles a little. It wont be anything too serious, just a little fun... it will be released as a free download when its finished, I might even make a few physical copies if people are interested. if you're interested in being a part of it or have any questions, my e-mail is in my profile on here. Send me an e-mail, add me on MSN etc...
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if you dont want to have anything to do with it, then dont reply. talking down the idea didnt get anyone anywhere. by the way, there arent that many remixes on nico video, maily cover versions and a few by dj bouche who rarely does anything more than take a midi file and change the instruments. besides, im not trying to "beat" any remixes, just to make my own [/rant]