okay, first major reaper bug just hit me. no matter what i try to insert in a new track, be it from my fostex mr8-hd, from my music files or even off the desktop, all i get is an "error opening media" message. even an existing project i was working on a couple days ago and had properly saved will not load. is there something im missing here? worked fine for the first week. i even re-installed and set to defaults, still nothing will import. sucks because i was really getting some great ideas i wanted to try out...
What version are you on? If you are running v 3.0, try 2.57 and see if you have same problem. You can install 2.57 in a dir of its own, no need to remove v 3.0, just name the dir differently. And yo should be able to open the new project with the older version, the theme may look strange but usable, and any nested folders will not work correctly, but for just testing this issue, everything should be fine. You can find older versions of Reaper here