I need assistance please. i have a client that has a Digital preformer session. i need to open it in pro tools...he saved it as a OMF file. if i cant open the omf are there any other suggestions??? thanks ahead of time
Digi translator option or version of protools for 24 bit action. It is not funny how digidesign purposely leaves this as an option where other apps have it built in. Yes the radio was optional in my car too.
It's also not funny that Digitranslator for OMF costs around $500, unless I'm mistaken. Sorry to try to ruin you out of a sell digi, but Jason, just have the client consoldate all the tracks into continuous regions (or soundbytes as in the case of DP) all starting at the same exact start time. Then just import them into PT...as long as they're spotted to the same start time, you're good to go. In fact, just using 'import audio to tracks" will probably do it without the need to spot or line them up. anthony