Hi there I'm thinking of downloading Reaper to my laptop as i want to make a couple of rough demo recordings. My question is what equipment do i need to record in to my laptop? I have a mic, mixer etc, can i plug straight in or do i need some kind of device to plug into my USB? Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks
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My obligatory standard reply-for-newbies that I keep in Wordpad: First off, immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio: Home Recording for Musicians by Jeff Strong - $15 (Wish I'd had that when I started; would have saved me lots of money and time and grief) You can also pick up this book in most any Borders or Barnes&Noble in the Music Books section! Another good one is: Recording Guitar and Bass by Huw Price (I got my copy at a place called Half-Price Books for $6!!) And you can get a FREE subscription to TapeOp magazine at Barnes&Noble or Borders are great places to start --- they have recording books and you can go get a snack or coffee and read them for FREE! Don't pass by a good recording book --- this is a VERY technical hobby and you REALLY want to start a reference library!!! Good Newbie guides that also explains all the basics and have good tips: 21 Ways To Assemble a Recording Rig: Also Good Info: Other recording books: Still using a built-in soundcard?? Unfortunately, those are made with less than $1 worth of chips for beeps, boops and light gaming (not to mention cheapness for the manufacturer) and NOT quality music production. #1 Rule of Recording: You MUST replace the built-in soundcard. Here's a good guide and suggestions: