Chasps, Sorry to have to go way off topic here, but I really need help. I found the equivalent of this user conference over at, but I've had this question posted over there for three days in two different categories and not one single reply. What a ghost town!! As I know there are lots of Logic Audio users who pass thru here, I figured I could finally rely on getting some sort of reply. Situation is this: A friend of mine has gone and bought a cheap and nasty Windows PC and Audigy 2 Sound Blaster and is currently really struggling to get his Logic Audio package to run. I'm a long time experienced Mac user and I have an older Macintosh Beige G3 266mhz with an Adaptec 2940UW connected to a narrow Seagate 9 Gig Baracuda drive not currently employed (retired Mix plus system host). I have suggested that maybe as I can provide him with plenty of expert help once he's in Macintosh territory, he might want to jump ship and start afresh on the Mac, beginning with this older machine of mine. My question is, what version of Logic Audio will I be able to set him up with on this Mac, to work with both midi and audio in a home recording capacity ONLY using the native processing capabilities of the computer? If this is a non starter, what would be everyone's recommendation be for a suitable audio card for this setup, that will let him get a simple and relatively cheap LA workstation platform going on this modest computer. Thanks in advance for everyones help. Ta. Steve Bush
Can't answer but... hey hey!! a SOS for Logic on a ProTools user conference!!! Yeah!!! ...hope you'll find help here. ..should thank Digi for this hospitality ...anyway lot's of Logic users here
Hey there, You probably can get away with Logic 5.5.0 maybe 5.5.1 for OS9 I think putting OSX on the begie 266 might kill some of the serial stuff (not sure, but Im still having problems getting an older studio 4 to work on OSX) 9.2.2 is totally usable and Logic rockes on that OS. You'll even get away with openings 2 or 3 synths and some plugs before choking on the redraws. hope this helps by the way, go to and check out the logic bunch there, its a rowdy crew.