It seems in the past week or so a lot of advances have been made in the Splitting DVD area, well I personall just bought a few new double sided DVD-Rs to try the method but I noticed the guides are a little behind in this area. I was curious if anyone has a new guide written or if there is just one in the process now. Doom9's guide seems pretty good but I feel as if some new advances have been made. If anyone has a new guide or a basic outline of some new methods that would be great. Thanks.
--------------------- say "sandwich." Anson HAD a '97 M3/4a Cosmos/black w/ some good stuffs......He also HAD a '04 Pontiac GTO (Goat) Quicksilver/black w/ Lingenfelter CAI....Now he has a '02 Subie WRX wagon....stuffs on the way
@skoal: just to make sure I'm getting this right.. the new version as I have seen it no longer requires the 3rd step (adjusting the number of chapters, change entry points for the 2nd disc).. is that the only change or am I missing something (I just tried one disc so far).
--------------------- Modifimied Z3 2.8 Faster than you think